Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher at Bluestem Park
Fort Worth, Texas

Hillwood recognized the potential synergy between the new Parkside retail building and the adjacent privately developed 14-acre restored prairie of Bluestem Park. A zone of existing buffalo grass between the restaurants and creek could be integrated as a programmable open space for families visiting the restaurant patios. Hillwood suggested an interactive art piece near the creek as a visual anchor. The design team proposed a paradigm shift of creating a custom play structure that also functioned as art. We partnered with Earthscape, a custom playground collaborator, to create a sculptural art structure that draws inspiration from the scissor-tailed flycatchers in their natural prairie setting. The bird is elevated to create a sense of liftoff with tailfeathers close to the ground, allowing smaller climbers to ascend to the top of the bird. Imagination takes flight with a Texan-style reference to Thumbalia with a Western saddle on the bird’s neck. It is an iconic moment with a sense of daring that intertwines art and nature with play.


Hillwood, A Perot Company

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